

The replication status is displayed by referring the master node statistical information of the replication. It is possible to display continuously on every specified interval.

PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher. PostgreSQL 9.0 doesn’t work because it doesn’t have no “pg_stat_replication” system view.


pt-replication-stat [option...] [delay [count]]


-h, --host=HOSTNAME
-p, --port=PORT
-U, --username=USERNAME
-d, --dbname=DBNAME

Output Items

PID The process ID of WAL sender processes on the master node
NAME The slave node name of the registered in the replication
HOST The host name of slave node or IP address
PORT The port number of the master node that connected to the slave node
STATE The slave node status. It acquires the value of following startup or backup or catchup or streaming
SENT Position on the WAL which sent to slave
WRITTTEN Position on the WAL which wrote to the WAL buffer on the slave
FLUSHED Position on the WAL which synchronously wrote to the WAL file on the slave
REPLAYED Position on WAL which applied to the data file on the slave
PRI If the slave node is synchronously replication that the node priority is displayed.
MODE The operation mode is displayed. sync is synchronous mode. async is asynchronous mode. potential is running in asynchronous mode. But there is a possibility to upgrade to the synchronous mode.


Connect to the port 5433 of host by postgres user, the statistical information is displayed every five seconds twice.

$ pt-replication-stat -h -p 5433 -U postgres 5 2
Sat Mar 28 21:45:23 JST 2015
| PID  |   NAME   |    HOST   |  PORT |   STATE   |    SENT   |  WRITTTEN |  FLUSHED  |  REPLAYED | PRI |  MODE  |
|      |          |           |       | local     | 0/5F30398 | 0/5F300B0 |           |           |     | master |
| 3323 | replica1 | | 55580 | streaming | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F2FE48 |   0 | async  |
| 3367 | replica2 | | 55589 | streaming | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F2FE48 | 0/5F2FE48 |   0 | async  |

Sat Mar 28 21:45:28 JST 2015
| PID  |   NAME   |    HOST   |  PORT |   STATE   |    SENT   |  WRITTTEN |  FLUSHED  |  REPLAYED | PRI |  MODE  |
|      |          |           |       | local     | 0/608CD68 | 0/608CAC0 |           |           |     | master |
| 3323 | replica1 | | 55580 | streaming | 0/608CAC0 | 0/608CAC0 | 0/608C7D8 | 0/608C7D8 |   0 | async  |
| 3367 | replica2 | | 55589 | streaming | 0/608CAC0 | 0/608CAC0 | 0/608C7D8 | 0/608C7D8 |   0 | async  |


Connect to the default port (5432) of localhost, the statistical information is displayed every five seconds continuously. CTRL-C to end this.

$ pt-replication-stat -h localhost 5
Sat Mar 28 21:45:23 JST 2015
| PID  |   NAME   |    HOST   |  PORT |   STATE   |    SENT   |  WRITTTEN |  FLUSHED  |  REPLAYED | PRI |  MODE  |
|      |          |           |       | local     | 0/5F30398 | 0/5F300B0 |           |           |     | master |
| 3323 | replica1 | | 55580 | streaming | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F2FE48 |   0 | async  |
| 3367 | replica2 | | 55589 | streaming | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F300B0 | 0/5F2FE48 | 0/5F2FE48 |   0 | async  |

^C[2015-03-28 21:45:25] INFO: Terminated.