

Change at once the tablesapace of the index associated with the specified table.


pt-set-tablespace [option...] [tablespace]


-h, --host=HOSTNAME
-p, --port=PORT
-U, --username=USERNAME
-d, --dbname=DBNAME
-o, --owner=STRING
-n, --schema=STRING
-t, --table=STRING
-l, --list

-h, --host Specifies the connecting PostgreSQL database server name or its IP address. If not specified, to set the value of PGHOST. localhost will be used if no value has been defined in PGHOST.

-p, --port Specifies the port number of the connecting PostgreSQL database. If not specified, to set the value of PGPORT. 5432 will be used if no value has been defined in PGPORT.

-U, --username Specifies the user name of the PosgtgreSQL database. If not specified, to set the value of PGUSER. The value of USER will be used if no value has been defined in PGUSER.

-d, --dbname Specifies the connecting database name. If not specified, to set the value of PGDATABASE. It connects to the database same as the database username if no value has been defined in PGDATABASE.

-o, --owner It applies only table that is owning user that matches the specified name. Also accepts regular expression when starting and ending with slashes. (cf. /REGEXP/ )

-n, --schema It applies only table that is a schema that matches the specified name. Also accepts regular expression when starting and ending with slashes. (cf. /REGEXP/ )

-t, --table It applies only table that matches the specified name. Also accepts regular expression when starting and ending with slashes. (cf. /REGEXP/ )

--apply The change of tablespace, it is actually reflected in the database.

-l, --list Displays the tablespace information.

-o (or --owner ), -n (or --schema ), -t (or --table ), if specified the options at the same time, the only table that matches the conditions.

If it fails to move one or more tables, returned an exit code of 1. If it’s successful the movement of all of the files, returned a “0”.

Output Items

-l, --list Items that are displayed in the options.

OID Object ID of tablespace
OWNER Owner name of tablespace
TABLESPACE Tablespace name
LOCATION Path of the directory for tablespace
USE% Disk usage of the partition for tablespace
AVAIL Free space of the partition for tablespace

Other output items are shown below.

Dry-run mode Free space of the partition for tablespace.  
Applying ALTER TABLE/INDEX Acutually running the ALTER TABLE/INDEX statement it will change tablespace of the index.
X tables/indexes moved. Y failed. X of tables/indexes is moved successfully Y failed to move.


Displays list of tablespace that exist in the PostgreSQL instance. Gets the used area of the each partition, and displays as a list together.

$ pt-set-tablespace --list
|  OID   |  OWNER   | TABLESPACE |          LOCATION         | USE% | AVAIL |
|   1663 | postgres | pg_default |                           |      |       |
|   1664 | postgres | pg_global  |                           |      |       |
| 121263 | postgres | hddspc2    | /disk/disk2/pgsql         | 85%  | 80G   |
|  16818 | postgres | ssdspc1    | /disk/disk1/tblspc1       | 67%  | 127G  |
| 305242 | postgres | ssdspc2    | /disk/disk3/pgsql/ssdspc2 | 98%  | 13G   |

All orders tables and the indexes that was created on orders table in dbt3 database, it displays ALTER TABLE and ALTER INDEX statement for to move the tablesapace. (Does not actually move)

$ pt-set-tablespace -d dbt3 --table orders ssdspc1
[2015-04-29 17:35:24] INFO: Dry-run mode:
[2015-04-29 17:35:24] INFO: ALTER TABLE "public"."orders" SET TABLESPACE "ssdspc1";
[2015-04-29 17:35:24] INFO: ALTER INDEX "public"."pk_orders" SET TABLESPACE "ssdspc1";
[2015-04-29 17:35:24] INFO: ALTER INDEX "public"."i_o_orderdate" SET TABLESPACE "ssdspc1";
[2015-04-29 17:35:24] INFO: ALTER INDEX "public"."i_o_custkey" SET TABLESPACE "ssdspc1";

All orders tables and the indexes that were created on orders table in dbt3 database, to move to the ssdspc1 tablespace.

$ pt-set-tablespace -d dbt3 --table orders --apply ssdspc1
[2015-04-29 17:37:06] INFO: Applying ALTER TABLE/INDEX...
[2015-04-29 17:37:08] INFO: 4 tables/indexes moved. 0 failed.

All tables in the dbt3 schema and all indexes, to move to the ssdspc1 tablespace.

$ pt-set-tablespace --schema dbt3 --apply ssdspc1
[2015-04-29 17:38:39] INFO: Applying ALTER TABLE/INDEX...
[2015-04-29 17:38:57] INFO: 31 tables/indexes moved. 0 failed.