Snapshot Functions

This chapter is intended to give detailed information about several snapshot functions, provided in the PgPerf package, to deal with performance snaphsots.

Snapshot Function List

Function Name Description
pgperf.create_snapshot(level) Takes a new snapshot.
pgperf.delete_snapshot(snapid) Drops a snapshot specified by the snapshot id.
pgperf.purge_snapshots(interval) Drops snapshots older than the specified period.
pgperf.get_interval(snapid1, snapid2) Gets an interval (in second) between two snapshots.

pgperf.create_snapshot() Function


pgperf.create_snapshot() function takes a snapshot of the performance statistics, which can be obtained in the PostgreSQL database, and stores them in the snapshot tables.


integer pgperf.create_snapshot(integer level)


Name Type Description
level integer Snapshot level to be taken.

Unfortunately, heavy performance impact could sometimes be generated while taking a snapshot for all the performance statistics available in the database.

To avoid that, pgperf.create_snapshot() function allows DBA to obtain a snapshot with less performance impact by specifying the snapshot level. Then, DBA can avoid taking a snapshot which generates heavy performance impact so frequently.

Snapshot Level Snapshot Contents

Obtains a snapshot of the basic access statistics and the session statistics.

pg_stat_database, pg_database_size()

pg_stat_user_tables, pg_statio_user_tables

pg_stat_user_indexes, pg_statio_user_indexes

pg_relation_size(), pg_total_relation_size()

pg_current_xlog_location(), pg_current_xlog_insert_location()


pg_stat_activity, pg_locks, pg_stat_statements


In addition to the level 1, obtains a snapshot of the optimizer statistics.


3 Not used.

In addition to the level 2, obtains a snapshot of the table/index fragmentation statistics.

pgstattuple(), pgstatindex()

5 Not used.

pgperf.delete_snapshot() Function


pgperf.delete_snapshot() function deletes a snapshot of the performance statistics specified by the snapshot id.


integer pgperf.delete_snapshot(integer snapid);


Name Type Description
snapid integer A snapshot id accociated with the snapshot to be deleted.

pgperf.purge_snapshots() Function


pgperf.purge_snapshots() function purges older performance snapshots at once.


integer pgperf.purge_snapshots(interval period);


Name Type Description
period interval A period of the snapshots to be kept in the snapshot tables.

This function drops snapshots older than the period (interval) specified by the parameter period .

See the PostgreSQL manual for more details about how to express an interval value.

pgperf.get_interval() Function


pgperf.get_interval() function obtains an interval between two snapshots.

This function is intended to give some convenience to convert an obtained value into a ‘per-second’ value, particularly in SQL scripts.


integer pgperf.get_interval(integer snapid1, integer snapid2)


Name Type Description
snapid1 integer A snapshot id at the start point.
snapid2 integer A snapshot id at the end point.